Thursday, December 06, 2007
The First Snow
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It's a Process
Happily, my friend K. came for a visit yesterday afternoon, played with - I mean, tested - the wheel, fiddled and adjusted, spun for a while, oiled the heck out of all the moving parts, and talked me through my own spinning. The result? Absolutely horrific yarn, but still... yarn. I can do this!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
A New Addition
I dove in for real: I bought a spinning wheel. Not just any spinning wheel, but what is sometimes called the "Cadillac" of spinning wheels - a Schacht Matchless, single treadle. I bought this particular wheel because, well, it is freaking gorgeous, but also because I wanted one that would last me forever, whether I continued as a mediocre hobby spinner, or became more serious about it over time. Oh, and because my life had kind of gone to shit early this fall and I needed a pick-me-up. Now, life has somewhat reconstituted itself and I have a beautiful spinning wheel! Things are looking up.
My son has already named her "Miss Ruth," after one of his day care teachers. It suits her! So without further ado, here be she:
Friday, October 19, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
October Update
Here's the garden as it looked just a couple weeks ago. The weather has turned to fall recently, so it's not quite so green any more.
My other update is that after a lifetime of knitting, I have been well and truly sucked into that fringe cult - people who spin their own yarn. Yes. It's that bad.
I blame my friend K., a.k.a. Harmless Drudge. I had resisted the call to spin for many years, but then with her influence, plus a truly eye-opening (and wallet-opening) trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival last May, I was bitten by the Spin Bug. I now not only have a stash of yarn, but a stash of roving (unspun wool). Oh, and I ordered a Schacht spinning wheel, due to arrive in November. Oh, and I already have two drop spindles wound with my fairly successful first attempts to spin. Here's one, with some partially-spun purple Corriedale on it:
Friday, September 21, 2007
Buy Local, Buy Fresh, Buy Sans E. Coli
The local food movement - she's a-growin'!
Friday, August 31, 2007
At the airport
Really? This, I have to see. Well, maybe not. Ok, maybe.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What goes on in my mind
Friday, July 20, 2007
And in the Beginning...
It killed me to leave behind my hard-won, extensive gardens when I left my old house. But just recently my landlord said, and I quote, "Oh, go ahead and start digging up around there, if you want to." Aha! She doesn't know what she has wrought...
Monday, June 18, 2007
Overheard at work
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Always Ask
My mother, who was visiting, and I went to look around the local toy store – one of those small, floor-to-ceiling kind of neighborhood toy stores, run by a very eccentric man who appears to love stuffed animals and pirates.
I commented that it would be hilarious if some day I could find a stuffed lemur for Ivan. My mother looked at me, and then marched up to the store owner at the front counter.
Mom: Do you carry stuffed lemurs?
Store Owner: Of course. I always make sure I order plenty of lemurs when I re-stock.
Behold, Lulu the Lemur:
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Sheep and Wool Heaven
Oh, the things I bought. I bought two big balls of roving (unspun wool) plant-dyed with indigo and some other plant-like substance, some undyed yarn, a little stuffed sheep for Ivan, etc. etc. I really could have spend hundreds of dollars there – thousands, if I had any place to store sheep... Most importantly, I got a nice, sturdy drop spindle, since I’ve picked up yet another hobby – hand spinning – thanks to my enabler friend K., a.k.a. Harmless Drudge
Check out the amazing drop spindles. Mine isn’t anywhere nearly as decorative, only because I am completely broke:
Look, purty yarn: Look, purty wool:
Regardless, the breed I liked best at the festival was the Border Leicester. So very, very cute. Such lovely wool.
When I returned home from my adventures, I showed Ivan all of the many pictures I had taken, explaining to him that sheep fur is called wool, that people spin wool into yarn, and that yarn is what I use to knit with. All the while he had an expression on his face like, “are you shittin’ me, mom?” No, son, I shit you not.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The Eternal Question
Ivan's learning how to string more complicated questions together - asking what we're doing (“what’s you doin’ mama?”), what we're talking about (what’s you talkin’ ‘bout?”), what we're looking for (“what’s you findin’?”), etc. He has to think about each word and how to put the questions together, but he's getting really good at stringing together the right verbs and nouns.
The other night, as I was applying diaper cream to a little rash while I changed his diaper, the question was:
"What's you puttin' on my heiny?"
Good question to know, kid...
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Knit Therapy
You know what really keeps me going? I mean, when every person in my life is either an idiot or a monumental asshole, and I just wonder why I can't be Queen of the Universe and control everything and everyone because really, it would all be so much better... it's knitting. I think about my current project, and about how after I have slain dragons all day at work, picked up Ivan at day care, fed him, bathed him, played with him, and (God willing) put him to sleep, I will be able to sit my tired ass down on the couch and KNIT. And I feel better. Really. I have something to live for, and look forward to. And it's knitting.
Kind of sad, really. But it works for me.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Really, beer?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Window Ice
We're Hardcore
My new, more enlightened neighbors, however, have turned out to be wimps. As the weather grew colder, the numbers of runners grew smaller and smaller. Now, in February, there we are down to three.
I wake up at 6am, and often when I look out my window I see a lone figure, a man, running down the middle of the street in the dark. When I start my run around 6:30, the neighborhood is quiet. But I always look for the woman I think of as my mirror image: a tall, blond, 30-something woman, who I pass at approximately the same place during each run. That’s the three of us.
This morning I woke up to find an inch of snow on the ground. I bundled up and headed out for my run. I could see the distinct footprints in the middle of the street of the man who runs even earlier than I do. And as I passed the halfway point of my run, I passed my mirror image. We both waved – and laughed at each other, because there we were, bundled head to toe, running in the street on an inch of new snow, in temperatures of no more than 15 degrees. Everyone else was home in bed. We felt lucky, and happy.