Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We're Hardcore

When I first moved to Htown, my new-ish habitation, it was summer. I was struck by how many of the residents are runners. They run alone, in packs, with their dogs, you name it. In Gtown, my previous place of residence, I was a complete and total freak for running. The neighbors would gawk at me as I went by, often with their huge beer guts flapping in the breeze.

My new, more enlightened neighbors, however, have turned out to be wimps. As the weather grew colder, the numbers of runners grew smaller and smaller. Now, in February, there we are down to three.

I wake up at 6am, and often when I look out my window I see a lone figure, a man, running down the middle of the street in the dark. When I start my run around 6:30, the neighborhood is quiet. But I always look for the woman I think of as my mirror image: a tall, blond, 30-something woman, who I pass at approximately the same place during each run. That’s the three of us.

This morning I woke up to find an inch of snow on the ground. I bundled up and headed out for my run. I could see the distinct footprints in the middle of the street of the man who runs even earlier than I do. And as I passed the halfway point of my run, I passed my mirror image. We both waved – and laughed at each other, because there we were, bundled head to toe, running in the street on an inch of new snow, in temperatures of no more than 15 degrees. Everyone else was home in bed. We felt lucky, and happy.


Tracy Novick said...

Wow! You go, girl!

And the Massachusetts runners continue committed up here. It's been below freezing for weeks (this morning it was 10 degrees at 7:30), yet out they are, every day.

I have seen a drop in the number of bikes, though.

Tracy Novick said...
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Eszter said...

Wow, that's impressive! How are you able to do this with Ivan around? That is, I'm assuming you're not taking him with you so I'm just wondering who's watching him or how that works. Just curious.

Katyer said...

Oh, I only run when Ivan is with his father. I have a jogging stroller, but those things are an *awful* lot of work to push around! I often see a local mom out jogging while pushing a triple stroller. She should be committed.

Tracy Novick said...

I have a double jogging stroller, and unless you have kids that are the same weight, you just never get the balance right.

As for the triple's probably that or Prozac!

Thanks for asking that question, Eszter; I was wondering that myself (having a husband who is here and involved and STILL not getting out to exercise!).