Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Eternal Question

Ivan's learning how to string more complicated questions together - asking what we're doing (“what’s you doin’ mama?”), what we're talking about (what’s you talkin’ ‘bout?”), what we're looking for (“what’s you findin’?”), etc. He has to think about each word and how to put the questions together, but he's getting really good at stringing together the right verbs and nouns.

The other night, as I was applying diaper cream to a little rash while I changed his diaper, the question was:

"What's you puttin' on my heiny?"

Good question to know, kid...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Knit Therapy

You know what really keeps me going? I mean, when every person in my life is either an idiot or a monumental asshole, and I just wonder why I can't be Queen of the Universe and control everything and everyone because really, it would all be so much better... it's knitting. I think about my current project, and about how after I have slain dragons all day at work, picked up Ivan at day care, fed him, bathed him, played with him, and (God willing) put him to sleep, I will be able to sit my tired ass down on the couch and KNIT. And I feel better. Really. I have something to live for, and look forward to. And it's knitting.

Kind of sad, really. But it works for me.