Sunday, October 14, 2007

October Update

So, I'm been amiss in not updating on a few things. First, the garden. Far from being the rather barren, grassy spot pictured in a previous post, my hope of creating a real, food-bearing garden in ony a month or two was accomplished! Ok, I didn't get much more than a few tomatoes and some basil and oregano, but considering that I didn't even break ground until August, that's not bad. Next year: the real test.

Here's the garden as it looked just a couple weeks ago. The weather has turned to fall recently, so it's not quite so green any more.

My other update is that after a lifetime of knitting, I have been well and truly sucked into that fringe cult - people who spin their own yarn. Yes. It's that bad.

I blame my friend K., a.k.a. Harmless Drudge. I had resisted the call to spin for many years, but then with her influence, plus a truly eye-opening (and wallet-opening) trip to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival last May, I was bitten by the Spin Bug. I now not only have a stash of yarn, but a stash of roving (unspun wool). Oh, and I ordered a Schacht spinning wheel, due to arrive in November. Oh, and I already have two drop spindles wound with my fairly successful first attempts to spin. Here's one, with some partially-spun purple Corriedale on it:


Tracy Novick said...

Thanks for the update and congratulations on your garden! And how's your little guy?

I, too, managed to pull in some tomatoes and basil, and in our shady yard that is a feat! We also did some potatoes (I just cut up some I had going to seed), and we are definitely doing those again. And I have some very happy green onions and chives that I hope will be perennials.

Grow, grow, grow!

lemurchild said...

The little guy is great! He's so big now - no more baby. :-( I can't believe he's three. I've never grown potatoes - are they noticeably better than store-bought?

Tracy Novick said...

In the subtle way that corn can be. I think because they're so much fresher. It also seems like a miracle to stir up the dirt and find food growing under there!